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来自 : 新浪博客 发布时间:2021-03-24

Manufactured exclusively(注意这个词)by Evonik Foams, SOLIMIDE polyimide(聚酰亚胺) insulation foams arerecognized worldwide as the material of choice for solving toughproblems in the aircraft and aerospace industry.

Engineered to provide an exceptional combination of advantages,these fiber-free foams deliver long-term, superior performance indemanding environments.

Qualities of SOLIMIDE polyimide foams include:

Fire-resistanceVery low weightVirtually no smoke or toxic gas emissionWide operating temperature rangeExcellent thermal and acoustical insulation propertiesSolimide foams for NASA and the aircraft industry

Originally used by the NASA space shuttle program because oftheir low weight and flame-resistant properties, SOLIMIDE foamshave evolved to support the performance demands of the aircraftindustry.

Today, these foams continue to address the needs of industrygiants such as Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer, Lockheed,Motorola, Agusta, Eurocopter and SikorskyHelicopter.

High performance SOLIMIDE insulation foams are used on mediumand long-haul passenger jets, business jets, regional jets,turboprop aircraft, helicopters, freighters and military craft, aswell as in NASA aerospace systems.

All products meet the flammability requirements of FAR 25.856(a).

Foam insulation from -310 F TO +575 F

Manufactured exclusively by Evonik Foams, SOLIMIDE foams possessmultiple advantages over other foam insulation options.

The foams maintain room temperature flexibility and mechanicalproperties over a wide operating temperature range from -310°F(-190°C) to +575°F (+300°C) and do not degrade in theseatmospheres.

Even when used in high humidity areas, SOLIMIDE foams exhibit nochange in thermal and acoustical properties.

Lightweight acoustic absorption foam

The lightweight foam\'s open cell structure delivers higheracoustic absorption coefficients than closed cell or solid surfacematerial, creating an obvious advantage - maximum acousticabsorption with minimal thickness and lower weight.

Available in densities as low as 0.34lb/ft , specifying SOLIMIDEfoam as cockpit, cabin, duct, fuselage blanket, or under-floorinsulation results in weight reduction, reduced fuel consumptionand the ability to carry maximum payload.

In addition, the product has excellent in-service durability,even in hostile and high humidity environments, reducing lifecyclecost.

Polyimide foam product line

Polyimide foam products include AC-530, AC-540, AC-550, HT-340and Densified HT. They can be easily molded, die-cut or formed intovirtually any size and shape.

Also, the aircraft foams are self-supporting and available inretrofit kits, allowing faster, easier installation.

SOLIMIDE polyimide foams are sold through an internationalnetwork of authorized distributors, and the sales and marketingteam of Evonik Foams assists customers with SOLIMIDE foamapplication development and technical support.

注:solimide是EVONIK FOAM公司对他们研制生产的聚酰亚胺泡沫(POLYIMIDEFOAM)注册的专有名称。EVONIK FOAM是德国工业巨头EVONIKINDUSTRIES的子公司。这个名字可能中国人都不太熟悉,但是“德固赛”(EvonikDegussa)这个名字恐怕就要亲切一点了。Evonik Degussa是Evonik工业集团的全资子公司,是一家以高效益特种化工产品为业务重点、世界领先的特种化工公司,有80%的产品都在全球市场上居于领先地位。


本文链接: http://evonikindustries.immuno-online.com/view-683526.html

发布于 : 2021-03-24 阅读(0)